I have just recently read a post from LD.Blaney's blog (http://theld-effect.blogspot.com/) about his faith and humanity...and it mentions about violence and that 'violence is in human nature'. You know what... he is absolutely right about that.
In our lifes, we do walk through some very dark corridors and doorways which can have an affect on our lives, but as well as that, there are some which are within ourselves as well. So not only with face it, but we have and use it as well; we were born with it.
Lets look at it this way, Darkness is in our hearts, it in everybody's hearts, whether how good or evil a human you are. Doesn't matter that you choose not to use it or to use every drop of it, you are full of darkness no matter what. I myself choose not you use it, but if I'm in a situation where it needs to be used, then I will.
Honestly guys don't run away from it or fear it, it is not as scary as you think it is. I used to be scared of mine and I still am at times, but the whole bogeyman inside me just turned out to be just a visual image created by my mind from the very emotion I felt at the same time. You can use the darkness inside you for good deeds as well i.e. defending/protecting a best friend and avenging those you care about.
Also if you think about the whole antagonist and protagonist idea, you'll probably thinking that the antagonist is full of darkness, which is correct. However, if you look at it another way, the hero is full of darkness as well, they beat the living shit out of the villain, because they are full of rage and rage comes from the darkness within them. So it doesn't matter what kind of person you are; kind, polite, friendly or nasty, selfish, arrogant, you are full of darkness, your darkness; your blood.
You'll probably thinking, 'you're a complete nutter Josh' and 'what is wrong with you man' and yes I probably am to think such a thing, but it's nothing to be afraid off, it's in us. To be honest, I actually don't think of it like that on a regular day-to-day basis, I just think of it as it's there and that's that. In fact I don't think of it at all, the whole thought of it, just makes me feel uncomfortable some times... but that's what I think is the true nature of mankind... and it's all thanks to human emotions.
By the way, the quote I used is also taken off from 'Kingdom Hearts'. I don't know why I use them quotes, but it's something about them that sort of reflects on some of my life and views... kinda weird but cool I suppose lool :P
*A word of advice, don't think too deeply about it after reading this, it could mess your mind up completely and change your views on this subject, honestly stick to your own personal views*
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