Tuesday, 14 February 2012

New was once old

Illustration of  Deja vu
Everyday new things and events always happen to me and everyone around me, but most times they aren't as new as they seem to me. It feels like, these events have happened once before, but I can never be certain if they have happened or not; Déjà vu (French translation of ''already seen''). Everyday, I have at least 2-3 déjà vu moments and some times, they usually leave me feeling eerie and weird.  

I know... this sounds completely weird and I'm going absolutely bonkers, but to be honest I'm not, it's perfectly normal psychological behaviour and it's quite common to have at my age group. However, I do suffer with anxiety/depression and frequent déjà vu is in fact one of the side effects of anxiety as well, so I guess that's the down point to it.

But it's always best not to think about it too much, it's always best to just look at it and say ''ugh fuck it'' and move on.

Sorry that this post is a bit ''meh'' but I just had one of those moments and I just thought I share this with you. This is probably one of my serious posts, but don't worry, the next post will be a lot more positive, I can guarantee that :) 

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